Restaurants in Valencia or “The best Restaurants in Valencia”?
With a population of 1 milion inhabitants living in Valencia, it´s more than reasonable of having a wide range and variety of restaurants in Valencia. Some of them although they serve international food are considered by locals and tourist good and serious restaurants.
Best restaurants in Valencia
We will focus our post in showing you the “best restaurants in Valencia” mainly those who offer local and handmade meals and those located in the city center or surrounding touristic buildings.
Mediterranean seaside, Valencia city center or special and traditional neighborhoods it doesn´t matter, any occasion, any place is perfect to eat at high quality restaurants in Valencia.
– On the Mediterranean seaside we really recommend you “La Pepica” restaurant. It´s a traditional and world famous restaurante where even Hernest Hemigway ate a wonderfull fish paella and he wrote it in one of his novels.
– Also on the seaside we have another important and high quality food restaurant: “El Cosso”. It is also a small hotel where to enjoy amazing views and tasting paellas and local tapas.

High quality restaurants don´t necessary mean, expensive restaurants. We know our lovely Mediterranean cities and after having travelled all around the world, we know you want to eat as a local and enjoy as a tourist.
The Mediterranean diet is considered the most complete diet. We have the perfect amount of vegetables, legumes, fresh fish and fruits and we are able to teach you best restaurants in Valencia.
– Other recommendation to enjoy seafood and fresh fish is “Civera” restaurant. Delicatessen seafood, spectacular and tasty local fish.
On the other side many of our local tapas are cooked using Spanish olive oil, another reference in our Mediterranean diet.
– For enjoying local tapas and local food, we have been several times in “El León” restaurant. They have a daily menu where to enjoy a wide range of local tapas with affordable prices and good service.
Finally our best recommendation will be for eating the best paella in Valencia “El racó de la paella”. Eat an amazing paella in a special and traditional restaurant of Valencia, in one of its neighborhoods.
Are you going to miss the chance of tasting the best Valencia local tapas and restaurants in Valencia, or the best fish paella in Valencia with the best views?
We recognize we have strange names for our tapas, but if you are accompanied by an expert and local guide, we will be translating and searching the best dishes. We are food lovers and we will show it to you.
Best restaurants in Valencia will mean not only about food, don´t forget we have several D.O (denomination of origin) for our wines. We are wine lovers and we will show you how to recognize a “young wine” or “crianza wine”, or when to ask for a white wine or red wine.
Do you know that Spanish people do not usually drink rosé wine? Discover with us why!!
Visit with us The best restaurants in Valencia